Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Cereal Printables (Kellogg's and General Mills) and a round up of current sales

Pr Nancy @ AFC it looks like only Kellogg's cereals are in the Kroger 3 day sale thru Dec 1st @ midnight:
apple jacks
froot loops
frosted flakes
raisin bran
cocoa krispies
corn pops

There is a $1.50 Kellogg's coupon  that if you can print will help us get great deals on cereals!

Also there is a $2/2 Kellogg's Special K Printable that makes for cheap cereal at CVS:
Kellogg's Special K Cereal - Buy 2 @ $1.50 each at CVS CVS has a buy one, get one free special for Kellogg's Special K Cereal ($4.99 Each)
Stack w/ $2 off 2 manufacturer's coupon  makes them $2.99 for 2 boxes or $1.50 ea (thanks SD)
$2.00 off any TWO Kellogg's Special K Cereals

Honey Nut Cheerios 12.9 oz boxes are bogo at Publix currently (thanks Avelina)
$0.50 off ONE box Honey Nut Cheerios cereal

$0.50 off ONE BOX Trix cereal

This is a high value coupon and we should see some nice deals with it! Someone told me they were in the 3 day sale at Kroger but pr AFC it's only the Kellogg's cereals included.

Also remember that at Publix there is a yellow advantage flyer coupon for free milk wyb 4 Kellogg's cereals!

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