Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Frugal Halloween Decoration Ideas: The Frozen Hand!!!!

 The Frozen Hand
Spice up your bunch a bit with this frozen hand!

1 (10oz) package of frozen raspberries, thawed
2 1/2 cups of cranberry juice
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin (Use KNOX GELATIN and food coloring LOL!)

Wash and rinse the outside of a rubber glove (be sure to use non-latex due to allergies). Turn the glove inside out. In a 4 cup measuring cup combine the raspberries and cranberry juice. Pour 2 cups of the mixture into a small saucepan. Sprinkle the envelope of the gelatin over the mixture in the pan and let sit for 2 minutes. Warm over low heat constantly stirring until the gelatin dissolves. Pour back into the reserved mixture in the measuring cup.

Pour the mixture into the inside out rubber glove. Gather the top of the glove and tie securely with a kitch tie or rubberband. Freeze until solid, preferably for several days. When ready to use carefully cut the glove away from the frozen hand and place againist the side of the punch bowl to prop up. Garnish with creepy plastic bugs!

Thanks Squiddo!

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