Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comment about my Publix trip

The fantastic manager who came over to approve my coupons (and who quietly rejected mostly all of my target coupons) told me that you can't use a publix coupon and a target coupon on the same item. Really. Is that new? The manager said no, but really? I don't even know what to say. The only reason I went to that store anyway was to use my target coupons since at my store they don't take them anymore.

Also, if you use a 1/1 tgi friday's peelie on the sale you aren't really supposto because the coupon says a large tgi friday family meal.


wompwonp said...

That has actually always been Publix policy. It is because the Target coupon is considered a "Store Coupon" just like a Publix coupon. It is okay to use a manufacturers coupon with a "store coupon", but not 2 store coupons.

Workin' The Deals said...

Thanks Cathy. I still hate that particular manager lol. He was very professional but that store is just underly UN-friendly imo.