21 barilla pasta (.79 cents had 21 .50/1 coupons)
6 i can't believe it's not butter (used raincheck from last week so 1.24 and 1.25 each used 6 1/1 blinkes from right under product)
2 phili cream cheeses (used 2 1/1 from greenwise mag)
20 aunt jamima pancakes/french toasts (used 20 pub 1/1 and 10 mf 1/2)
3 ritz crackers no coupons shocking
3 ritz crackerfuls (used free when you purchase ritz)
my total was 1.52 but the cashier missed a coupon so cs refunded me 1.02 so .50 cents for all of this. (Saved 114.01.)
Course I am such an idiot--I completely forgot the penny item lol! Next time I go I am making a list. I was in a big hurry but will prob go back now with the kiddos and show them my receipt and get it. UGH!!!
Hi...just curious (and confused)...it doesn't seem you had enough overage to cover the Ritz. Was it overage on the Aunt Jemima?
The ritz were 1.75 and 1.74 each x 3 = 5.24
The crackerfuls were free a/c.
The AJ were 1.35 and 1.34 each x 20 = 26.90 (30 - 26.90 = 3.10 in overages)
barilla pasta .79 each x 21 = 16.59 (21 - 16.59 = 4.41 in overages there) so to answer your q I had 7.51 in overages to play with.
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