Saturday, June 20, 2009

Possible free Smucker's Sundae Syrup @ Publix (to go w/ all of the free ic cream we've been getting LOL!)

8.76 Smucker's Syrups 8 (4 x 2.19, 4 FREE BOGO) (if still on advantage buy)
-6.00 $1/1 Smuckers toppings x 6 (5/17/09 RP)
-4.38 B3G1 FREE Manq x 2 (Blinkie, Booklet,Tearpad)
-1.62 Overage

10.36 Smucker's Sundae Syrups x 8 (4 x 2.59, 4 FREE BOGO) (if reg price bogo)
-6.00 $1/1 Smuckers toppings x 6 (5/17/09 RP)
-5.18 B3G1 FREE Manq x 2 (Blinkie, Booklet,Tearpad)
-.82 Overage

If you dont have the B3G1 coupon, don't fret. Here's a poss scenario:

2.59 Smucker's Syrups (1 x 2.59, 1 FREE BOGO)
-2.00 $1/1 Smuckers toppings x 6 (5/17/09 RP)
.59 Not Free but Cheap.

(Thanks hcw bayshore guy!)

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