Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Publix run!

I got everything in this picture FREE except for the TGI skillet meals. I had to go shopping tonight to get the penny item even though I wasn't feeling so hot. I also had some coupons that were expiring.

2 Rasp vinagrettes reg 2.29 each paid .01 each (penny item and my cashier let me get 2)

Huggies wipes, $5.99 used 5/1 printable from or (I forget which now) and $1.50/1 baby club coupon, so made .50 cents.

Revlon nail files $1.89 used a 2/1 Publix coupon, so free with overage.

3 Cover Girl Mascaras, $3.99 each. Used 3 x $2/1 publix coupons and 3 $1/1 CG coupons (expiring tomorrow.) Note: the Publix coupons were expired but my cashier let me use them anyway. Gotta love her. (I got them free because of this next deal.)

2 Knox gelatines $1.39 each. Used 2 ips from their website that gave me $4 off on each, so some nice overage! So I made a little over 5 bucks there! Definitely need to print more coupons.

I just found another ip, so you can print 1 pr computer at these sites:
(This deal works at Walmart too for my non-local readers!)

The TGI skillet meals were 2 each after 3.99 bogo raincheck and 4 $2/1 coupons (2 were expiring tomorrow.)

So I paid 6 bucks for all of this.


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